ID: 1055/6
Treasure Hunter - The Secret Cave
KR name: 보물 찾기 - 숨겨진 동굴 찾기
icon Quest
Group: Hidden Pirate Treasure
Region: Eastern Balenos
Category: Quest: Adventure
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Treasure Hunter - Getting Information
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Treasure Hunter - The Last Piece

Start NPC:
icon - Andrei
End NPC:
icon - Adrian Loggia

- Description:
Andrei suggests combining the Map Fragments again and checking out the marked place.

※ Combining maps
1. Open Inventory
2. Place the Incomplete Eastern Balenos Treasure Map and the Eastern Balenos Treasure Map #3 horizontally.
3. Click the + on the Incomplete Eastern Balenos Treasure Map.
4. (Attack2) the [Eastern Balenos Treasure Map] and move to the marked destination.

※ Go back to Adrian Loggia in Velia if you lose the map.

Is that a complete map?
I'm not sure if it's the treasure map.
It's not far from here...
I think it's pointing to the cliff in front of me.
If you investigate the map and the cliff carefully, you might find something.
Good luck.

The cliff is dangerous...
I tried to climb down there, but I couldn't find anything.

Wow! Really?!
I told ya! The legend was true!
My pop will be surprised If I tell him this!
He'll jump right out of his boots!

Completion Target: Adrian Loggia
- Find the Hidden Cave indicated on the map
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Old Book

- Contribution EXP (100)
- Ancient Gold Coin
- Gold Bar 1G
Amity (50):
- Adrian Loggia
- Beer
- Grain Soup
- Fried Fish
- Meat Stew
Quest requirements
Required to open quests
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Anonymous 17-11-2016 05:49
To finish this quest you need to find another secret cave. Right click on map, go to location an walk until the border of the cliff, jump and you will see the entrance. Check my screenshot for more details.

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Added by (17-11-2016)
Added by Bslee (22-06-2021)
Added by (17-11-2016)