ID: 1055/5
Treasure Hunter - The Last Piece
KR name: 보물 찾기 - 마지막 조각 구하기 #3
icon Quest
Group: Hidden Pirate Treasure
Region: Eastern Balenos
Category: Quest: Adventure
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Treasure Hunter - Getting Information
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Treasure Hunter - Completing the Map
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Treasure Hunter - The Secret Cave

Start NPC:
icon - Adrian Loggia
End NPC:
icon - Andrei

- Description:
Adrian Loggia thinks the map is incomplete. He asks you to go to the place marked on the treasure map.

※ Combining Map Fragments
1.Open Inventory
2.Place Eastern Balenos Treasure Map #1 and Eastern Balenos Treasure Map #2 horizontally.
3.Click + on Eastern Balenos Treasure Map #1.
4.((Attack2)) [Incomplete Eastern Balenos Treasure Map] and move to the marked destination.

※ If you lost the [Incomplete Eastern Balenos Treasure Map], you can talk to Croix the Wharf Manager in Velia to receive it again.

Just put these in order, and ta-da! Done!
Hmm... I think it's not a complete map.
I think we're missing the most important part, the treasure.
For now, go to this place on the map.
If you get lost, whether you found the last piece or not,
ask Andrei at the end of the Coastal Cave for help.

I will collect some more information.
We're gonna finally find the treasure!

A Giant? In the cave?
That's unexpected, but if you helped him, that's fine.
I'm not sure if this is the right map piece,
but I will give you this to thank you for your kindness.

Completion Target: Andrei
- Find the hidden location indicated on the map
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Lost Worker

- Contribution EXP (100)
- Eastern Balenos Treasure Map #3
- Atanis Firefly
Quest requirements
Required to open quests
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Anonymous 17-11-2016 05:38
To finish this quest you need to go inside Coastal Cave in Velia
Check this video:
Anonymous 22-02-2016 07:27
So how do you catch the dumb bird? banghead.gif dumped this stupid quest tried for 30 minutes trying to figure out what to do.
Anonymous 1-03-2016 19:06
You can catch it by running next to it and press ''R'' (for keyboard users)
Anonymous 26-10-2016 23:57
Creo q esta debajo de la tierra, necesitas un pico donde te mada la luz.

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Added by (17-11-2016)
Added by Bslee (22-06-2021)