ID: 6560
Coupe - Débutant
icon Connaissance
Catégorie: Certificats

– Description :
La coupe sert à produire du bois de chauffage pour la nuit, mais certains aventuriers cherchent simplement à exhiber leurs muscles sous prétexte de débiter du bois.
Il n'est en effet pas rare d'apercevoir dans les zones urbaines des hommes torse nu, abattant ardemment leur hache sur des souches d'arbre.
Obtention : [Quête]
[Transformation] Travail du frêne
Obtention sur:
- Coupe - Débutant
Trier par: Note Date
Anonymous 25-10-2016 05:43
This is a reward from the quest Working the Ash Tree from Furniture Dealer Lebyos in Heidel.
L0rdark 21-05-2020 08:28
Why can't I get the knowledge to make plywood with Leybos?
zolmok 22-12-2022 22:35
> This is a reward from the quest Working the Ash Tree from Furniture Dealer Lebyos in Heidel.

This is technically correct, but what you want is the starter quest in order to get this one. Talk to Ficy in Heidel and pickup "[Processing] Learning Higher Processing Skills". You'll get "chopping: begginer", "grinding: beginner" and "heating: beginner" when you're done.
catalin2k 25-04-2024 14:24
Thank you so much for those tips! Very important and I was also searching a lot of time how can I start this quest.
Raxium 21-05-2024 00:09
Step by step on how to acquire this knowledge in order to be able to accept the quest "[Processing] Trent Worker Experience?":

1. Open your Black Spirit. (Press "," )
2. Click the flag that says "Guide".
3. Scroll down and find and select "[Knowledge] Obtain Chopping: Beginner".
4. Exit the Black Spirit (esc) and follow the waypoint guide to Ficy in Heidel.
5. Talk to Ficy and accept the quest "[Processing] Practice Makes Perfect".
6. With this quest accepted, Lebyos in Heidel now has the quest "[Processing] Working the Ash Tree", go to him and accept it.
7. Either chop Ash Trees for Ash Timber, or rather just buy 15 timber off the Central Market (it's only around 10k silver total).
8. Press "L" to open the processing window, click "Chopping" (3rd icon from left) and process the 15 Ash Timber into Ash Planks.
9. Go back to Lebyos, talk to him, select "Chat" and give him the Ash Planks, turn in the quest and you're done.
Xeit 24-05-2024 04:36
You can get it from one of 2 quest chains:
(shorter) Bring Equipment
(longer) [Processing] Working the Ash Tree
YourAccount 10-06-2024 11:57

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