ID: 4900
icon Connaissance
Chance d'obtention: 2.50%
Catégorie: Aakman et les anciens (défenses) I

– Description :
Alten est une arme ancestrale aux allures d'éléphant. Muni d'un bouclier géant et d'une épée, il peut paraître lent en raison de sa taille. Mais les apparences sont trompeuses. Attendez-vous à être paralysé par la peur si Alten lance une attaque avec Kalten.
Obtention sur:
- Alten
Obtention sur:
- Alten
Trier par: Note Date
Alyxzander 30-08-2018 06:39
It's spawned by Kreator. Kreator is an elite, So pets will ping it, despite being in desert. Ive found one spawn. 204/294 DK takes a minute or 2 to kill, charge has a knockdown, but minimal damage is taken. The 2 spawns it summons are also easy and do minimal damage.
lazypumpy 13-10-2020 10:15
you need to complete Valencia II main quest
and go back to SAND GRAIN BAZAAR talk with Barhan Nesser for take quest Suspicious Aakman
do quest until quest : A True Unknown Danger to the Desert you ll got knowledge
ps.don't kill Kreator just slow damage
mix0ta 30-05-2022 01:21
You CAN get the knowledge without valencia 2 but doing val 2 first lets you guarantee a kreator spawn, he will however spawn by himself anyway at random.
If you do the val2 way after finish the questline go back to sand grain bazaar and talk to Barhan Nesser, it needs to be the sand grain version who moves there during the main story. Do the questline starting with suspicious aakman up to the step called a true unknown danger to the desert, you can then find kreator by simply checking world map.

Regardless of which method you choose to find Kreator you then wanna get him to 50% hp (be careful, i accidentally oneshot him more then once, ended up simply lmbing him to 50% ), he'll then spawn 1 Alten and 1 Kalten, kill them off for a knowledge roll, then simply run away from Kreator until he resets and do it over and over til you have S knowledge (If thats what you want obviously).
Khaoz 21-01-2025 09:30
Not my video, but this shows you where to find Kreator.

Get Kreator to 50% hp and wait, and he will spawn one Kalten and one Alten. Simply wait for him to dash away and kill Kalten and Alten until you have the desired knowledge. If you don't get the right knowledge, run away and he will reset (he burrows under the ground back to his spawn point back to full HP).

When going for Kreator knowledge he respawns fast so use guild channels to hop between and you can get the knowledge easily.

I was 300AP doing this and I did not one shot him, if this helps anyone.

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Ajouté par A111q2222222 (6-10-2020)
Ajouté par Lazypumpy (13-10-2020)
Ajouté par Lazypumpy (13-10-2020)