ID: 4896
icon Connaissance
Chance d'obtention: 2.50%
Catégorie: Aakman et les anciens (défenses) I

– Description :
Krea signifie "chagrin" ou "rage" dans la langue des anciens. Atosa a choisi ce mot pour décrire l'état d'esprit de ceux qui finissent par périr en poursuivant Ator. Bénéficiant de la sagesse des anciens et de la puissance occulte, il a atteint trois fois sa taille normale et acquis une force monstrueuse. En cas de danger, il invoque les autres armes ancestrales, Alten et Kalten. Si vous affrontez Kreator, vous comprendrez mieux la transformation d'Aakman.
Obtention sur:
- Kreator
Obtention sur:
- Kreator
Trier par: Note Date
Alyxzander 30-08-2018 06:23
It's an Elite. So pets will ping it, despite being in desert. Ive found one spawn. 204/294 DK takes a minute or 2 to kill, charge has a knockdown, but minimal damage is taken.
Khaoz 21-01-2025 09:30
Not my video, but this shows you where to find Kreator.

Get Kreator to 50% hp and wait, and he will spawn one Kalten and one Alten. Simply wait for him to dash away and kill Kalten and Alten until you have the desired knowledge. If you don't get the right knowledge, run away and he will reset (he burrows under the ground back to his spawn point back to full HP).

When going for Kreator knowledge he respawns fast so use guild channels to hop between and you can get the knowledge easily.

I was 300AP doing this and I did not one shot him, if this helps anyone.

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