ID: 47098/1
Niveau: 99

PV: 10,000
PM: 1
Signe astro.: Éléphant
sympathy Niveau d'intérêt: 19 ~ 52
sympathy Faveur: 30 ~ 38

Intérêts :
Papu Papuraoh (0/5)
Loutre de Crioniak (0/5)
Guerriers saniguinaires (0/5)
– Description :
Impératrice choisie par Kokakong pour devenir la 77e souveraine des papus de l'île de Papuraora.

Durant l'Ère des vagues rugissantes, elle a trompé le général Crioniak sur le Vaisseau tombe-lune et obtenu le fruit Papunini, apportant ainsi la gloire à tout son peuple.
Trier par: Note Date
Quezako 3-11-2020 16:24
Can gain 1 point per minigame if it is Talk freely or fail to spark.
Shenkt 28-03-2022 09:16
As you complete quests for either 'side', you will get +amity and -amity to the faction.
Focus on one factions boss knowledge first (The otter is only 100ish amity).
Do the faction based quests for +5 amity to reduce your game energy expenditure.
Once completed, move to the other faction and do their daily's. 199 Required by Papuraora.
Additional 50 Energy required to gain the knowledge.
ghury1 5-02-2023 00:50
the quickest way of gaining 199 amity is by pressing Esc then 1, until in the amity game menu you will see "spark interest 1 time" or "talk freely" then just choose 5 random knowledge and you will gain 99% at least 1 amity.
It will work because everytime you enter amity game menu the requirements on the left will change.
Then repeat until 199 amity

PS: the only downside, it will consume energy everytime you enter in amity game, so just prepare 2/3 alts with full energy in case you want to finish it in couple of minuts.
paulohrode 14-02-2023 07:23

Os 5 primeiros em sequencia, da esquerda para direita

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