ID: 46005
Niveau: 99

PV: 10,000
PM: 1
Défense (PD): 10
Esquive: 10
Signe astro.: Clé
sympathy Niveau d'intérêt: 30 ~ 33
sympathy Faveur: 25 ~ 28

Intérêts :
Marchandises générales de Drieghan (0/4)
Soldats de Drieghan (0/4)
Habitants de Duvencrune (0/4)
– Description :
Une orpheline qui a perdu ses parents dès son plus jeune âge, suite à une attaque de loup sauvage. Ce tragique incident l'a rendue très timide et l'a poussée à se réfugier dans son travail. Comme toute vendeuse de potions digne de ce nom, elle se passionne pour les potions et l'alchimie, une discipline qu'elle pratique durant son temps libre. Seiri a l'habitude de sursauter au moindre bruit produit par les expériences ratées, ce qui provoque la risée de ses collègues.
Donne des connaissances à la découverte:
- Seiri
Classe: Gardiana
NEW_NPC_CONDITION: !checkclass(5)
Trier par: Note Date
LPcrazy88 6-05-2020 04:15
Just wave to get Amity up unless you have Artisan 2+ Trading for the required knowledge to converse.
Xellandria19 1-10-2020 21:02
i have trade artisan but sill can t converse.... u sure its trade not alchemy?
TKSun 12-10-2020 09:38
It's not alchemy either and I have alchemy master 1. I think the only way to get amity is just by waving.
Koris 29-10-2020 09:36
You need knowledge on the trade goods sold in Drieghan. Go to Tikara, buy one of each good, then right click them in your inventory to learn about them.
Koris 29-10-2020 09:36
You need knowledge on the trade goods sold in Drieghan. Go to Tikara, buy one of each good, then right click them in your inventory to learn about them.
roamcajun63 1-12-2021 07:55
oh, you can get the first knowledge quest easy enough, but to talk with her, you need 4 General Goods, 4 Soldiers of Dreighan, and 4 Residents of Dreighan. I will post when I know them all but the soldiers are easy enough to get. Just click on the links for the lists. The Dreighan Adventure Journals 1 and II are a wealth of knowledge but will take awhile to get all. Lots of quests in there as well.
roamcajun63 27-08-2022 23:47
UPDATE: Her thing is the Drieghan General Trade Goods. I don't know the order or what works best but I learned all 12 and then just focused on the things girls would like. My Amity with her is well over 1000 now.
tonyswu 31-07-2024 17:10
This is what works for me:

Sky Hawk Kite Set
Khalk Skin Fabric
High-quality Liquid Fertilizer
Aro's Special Basket

Still a bit of RNG though.

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