ID: 1084/6
Trace of the Fallen Kingdom
KR name: 몰락한 왕국의 흔적
icon Quest
Region: Eastern Balenos
Category: General Quest
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Darkness between Rocks
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Black Seal
Next quest in the chain:
icon - The Last Prophecy

Start NPC:
icon - Maudi Budar
End NPC:
icon - Igor Bartali

- Description:
Maudi Budar confirmed that the picture on the Seal is the same one as that of the old coins used in Balenos. Show the Seal to the Chief of Velia.

I examined it closely, and this is...
This is the same engraving as the ones on the old gold coins of Cron Castle.
Perhaps you'd be better off showing it to
someone with extensive knowledge on the history of Balenos.
I heard Igor Bartali is still the town chief?
Go show this seal to him.

It seems much worse than we first anticipated.
We should get ready for what's coming.

This is the spitting image of the engraving on
the old gold coins that were used at Cron Castle.
So you think this seal was enchanted with Alchemy or Black Magic?
Hm... I've got a bad feeling about this.

Completion Target: Igor Bartali
- Show the Black Seal to Igor Bartali, the Chief of Velia
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Igor Bartali

- Contribution EXP (150)
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Level: 100+

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