When you finish the "Old Moon Guild Travels I" log you can talk to the Black Spirit, he will give you the quests "[ADV] Retired Adventurer's Gift # 1" and "[ADV] Retired Adventurer's Gift # 2". After you complete those (just talk to Rulupee in Heidel again) you can then start the second Travel Log - with Rulupee in Altinova! -> https://bdocodex.com/tw/npc/35678/16/
I just found out that these two travel logs are not dependent on each other. The first one is from Rulupee in Heidel, the second one is from Rulupee in Altinova.
I just finished the first one and started the second one, but I found out that I had already completed the first quest of the second one at some point, so you don't have to finish the first one in order to start with the second one.