ID: 9417
Bistec de Pescado Ahumado
Nombre coreano: 생선 훈제 스테이크
icon Consumible
Peso: 0.10 LT
Capacidad: 0.30 VT

Ligado al obtenerlo
- Transacción Personal Disponible
- Se puede colocar en el inventario familiar
Posible sustitución
Grupo de objetos #6561
- Descripción:
Plato con pescado ahumado.

- Efecto
Velocidad de ataque +1

- Duración: 60 min.
- Enfriamiento: 30 min.

- Cómo obtener
> Puede producir este artículo a través de Utensilios de cocina en su residencia si su nivel de cocina es Aprendiz Nv. 1 o superior.
> Si su nivel de cocina es Nv. Hábil 9 o superior, existe una baja probabilidad de obtener Filete de pescado ahumado dorado mientras prepara Filete de pescado ahumado .
Ingrediente de Cocina: Pescado x2 + Sal x2 + Aceite de Oliva x1

Pescado ahumado. El ahumado solía ser una técnica de conservación, pero al descubrirse que al cocer las carnes o pescados con humo y calor se realzan los sabores, fue adoptado ampliamente como técnica de cocina. Los alimentos cocinados con esta técnica se conservan por mucho tiempo.
Efecto de uso:
Bistec de Pescado Ahumado
Salud: EXP+75
- Bistec de Pescado Ahumado

Precio de mercado del juego:
SA: 5,350En Stock: 0

Precio de compra: 3,350coin
Precio de venta: 134
Coste de reparación: -
Ordenar por: Clasificación Fecha
Anonymous 23-04-2016 04:13
The two fish required for this must be different.

For example Rosy Bitterling and Soho Bitterling
Anonymous 5-06-2016 22:54
The two fish do not have to be different, using two of the same category is just a trick you can use to use your entire stock up. So if the recipe calls for 2 fish and you have 3 rosy bitterlings and 3 soho bitterlings you can cook with 2x rosy's and then 2x soho's and then 1 of each. You can also use this same principle on any other category like grain (recipe requires 2x grain: use 1 wheat and 1 potato for example).

For dried fish, I had no problem using 2x green or better dried fish, but when I tried to use 2 Dried Sandeel (white), I didn't have great success. It did succeed at times, but failed constantly.
Anonymous 18-08-2016 04:36
that recipe is wrong, i tried it over and over and got frustrated. The actually recipe is "2 fish, 3 olive oil, and 2 salt"...
Anonymous 24-09-2016 10:20
confirm with same fish dray one and use 2 dray fish 1 fish 3 olive oil 2 salt happy.gif
Anonymous 3-02-2017 05:27
The recipe is correct: 1 fish, another different fish, salt, oil.
Anonymous 7-03-2017 20:09
At Artisan cooking level, can confirm this works with 1x olive oil + 2x salt + 4x dried white fish. You can use 4x of the same dried white fish, or 2x dried fish A + 2x dried fish B. I was getting success+fails using only 2x dried white fish. Also success+fails using 3x dried white fish. No fails using 4x dried white fish (4x same type _or_ 2x type A + 2x type B)
Anonymous 9-04-2017 17:56
Combinations that work: 2 white fish, 1 green/blue/yellow fish, 4 dried white fish, 2 dried green fish, 1 dried blue/yellow fish
Anonymous 9-12-2017 18:56
At cooking artisan level 9, used [b]two different white fish, success 50 %. With 2 same green fish, success 100 %.
zeldamon 20-04-2020 04:34
the recipe failed with 2 dried fish, but got 100% ratio 100 times in a row using 2 olive oil and 2 salt instead
Ratuno 3-08-2020 14:58
With guru 3 work with 1 dried fish 1 oil 2 salt
LosPulentos 9-08-2020 12:27
Confirmed, Master 8 working 100% success on 3182 cooks with the white dried fish from the nodes.

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