ID: 16163
Encantamiento 0/10
Caña de Pescar de Epheria
Nombre coreano: 에페리아 낚싯대
Daño: 0~0

Def.: 0

Puntería: 0

Evasión: 0

Reducción de daño: 0

Peso: 1.00 LT
Capacidad: 0.30 VT

Ligado al obtenerlo
- Transacción Personal No Disponible
- Tipo de Encantamiento: Fijo
Oportunidad de mejora: 66.6667%
- Descripción:
Caña de pescar de Epheria. Es durable que otras cañas.
Se puede Encantar con Piedras Negras.
La durabilidad desgastada puede ser reparada por un Herrero

- Efecto de Encantamiento
+ Durabilidad

- Durabilidad
50 / 50

Mejora normal:
x 1
Disminución de la durabilidad en caso de falla: 5

Mejora perfecta (100% de probabilidad):
No disponible
Disminución de la durabilidad: 0

Siguiente nivel:
- Piedra de Cron x 0
- Piedra de Cron x 0

Precio de compra: 128,000coin
Precio de venta: 12,800
Coste de reparación: 3,800
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Anonymous 23-03-2016 06:39
Epheria Fishing Rod
The Epheria Fishing Rod can be crafted at a Level 3 Tool Workshop. The Required Materials are:
Birch Timber (1)
Steel (2)
Pure Iron Crystal (5)
Monk’s Branch (9)
Black Stone Powder (15)

The Epheria Fishing Rod can be upgraded with Blackstones (Weapon), succeeding for the first time will increase the max durability from 50 / 50 [50] to 50 / 50 [60]. The upgrade can also fail and you will lose some of your maximum durability.
Which means you will have to repair it at a blacksmith by using another Epheria Fishing Rod.
The normal durability loss can be repaired at the Blacksmith for some silver.
Anonymous 18-07-2016 05:31
For those interested, each enhancement gives +10 durability. Remember to keep some extras for repairs though so that you can make money back for the investment by making use of a fully repaired Epheria. The other option is to purchase the rare enhanced versions on the marketplace as they can only be listed when completely repaired and are typically much cheaper than if you did it yourself.

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