ID: 6473
Mischievous Foolish Otter Brothers
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Category: The Golden Age of the Otters

- Description:
There were Otter brothers in Crioniak infamous for not getting along with each other.
Their job was to maintain the number of arrows. The elder managed the top half of the base's arrows, while the younger managed the bottom half. However, they always had more or fewer than they needed.

The elder Otter thought since he had more arrows than needed, he'd give them to his brother and get him punished.
The younger Otter thought since he had fewer arrows than needed, he'd steal some from his brother and get him punished.
So the brothers carried out their plans and ended up with the opposite situation.

The elder Otter discovered he had much fewer arrows than he previously thought, so he decided to steal some back from his brother.
The younger Otter discovered he had more arrows than before, so decided to give some back to his brother.
Thus, the brothers went back and forth with their arrows, every single day...
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They say there are two Otter brothers in charge of inventory on Crioniak Island. Let's look for the supplies they manage.
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Mizie 24-06-2020 21:48

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