ID: 10301
An Old Man's Tears
icon Knowledge
Category: King Domongatt

- Description:
Wandering through the wilderness, Crucio soon found himself on the western front. Horrified by the sight of the haggard former king, Johann Cliff divided his frontline troops and decided to go against the newly-crowned Sergio. Crucio's third son Vittorio had heard the tragic news and joined Cliff's army along with the rest of Crucio's forces in grief. And to take up the newly vacant position previously occupied by Cliff was none other than Frederick Ducas, who, while having been stripped of rank and demoted to a lowly foot soldier, had risen the ranks quickly due to his exceptional talent.

Soon, Cliff's army began the siege of Heidel Castle. While the castle fortifications remained impregnable due to being built on higher ground, the issue lay with its inhabitants. Sergio lacked the people's trust for having stolen the crown by murdering his own brother, thus many were still loyal to Crucio, the benevolent ruler, and Cliff, the renowned general. The stalemate of the siege was broken when Crucio's spy unlocked the rear gates and civil war continued on into a bloody massacre.
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