ID: 10269
Before the Commandments of Truth
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Category: Turasil's Legacy Adventure Log II

- Description:
I, Brolina Ornette, born with the power of the Sun, hereby swear to the ancient spirits of Narc and its paradise across the lands of the moon. I shall dethrone the mad queen Amelia Ornette from her throne by bringing justice for her betrayal against the sacred oath of Kamasylve, for collaborating with Ibedor, Hadum's snake that consumed the light of Mother and caster of shadows, to cruelly poison the two leaders of the of the forest by the serpent's venom, and framing the innocent fairies of Polly's Forest of this crime, which forced those who protected these lands from the beginning to flee and ultimately forced our sisters of the moon to turn their backs to us... I shall dethrone the mad queen Amelia Ornette, who has forgotten the sacred oath to protect Kamasylve.

What seems like an eternity of emptiness on the page, continues once more.

I, Viorencia Odore, born with the power of the Moon, hereby swear to the ancient spirits of Narc and its paradise across these lands. I shall lead the countless sisters that follow me to rid themselves of the blindfold covering their eyes, lead them to see past small grievances and into the deeper darkness, so that they can safely escape the poisonous fangs of Sephir, and light may be restored to Kamasylve, to awaken the sisters of the Sun still captive in the tyrant's hands. For this I shall bear the mantle of the monarch of terror, and whatever criticism the world may throw at me.

- From the Exchange Journal of Brolina Ornette and Viorencia Odore, before the Commandments of Truth, Narcion Cave -
Can be obtained through [Main Quest]
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icon - [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
icon - [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
icon - [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
icon - [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
icon - [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
icon - [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
icon - [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
icon - [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
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