Quest Region: All Category: Recurring Quests Type: Family quest Level: 1 Repeat: 1d | |
First quest in the chain: - [Daily] Essence of Gallantry x20 Next quest in the chain: - [Daily] Essence of Honor x20 Show/hide full quest chain | |
Start NPC: - Tachros End NPC: - Tachros | |
- Description: Tachros says he's been rooting for you, and says he'll reward you if you bring him some Seals of Solare. Bring Seals of Solare to Tachros and collect your reward. ※ You can only proceed with this quest through one skill instructor at a time. | |
Show/hide full quest's text I've heard of your exploits in the Arena of Solare of late. Who told me, you ask? The Seals of Solare in your possession serve as proof, no? Those seals are clearly the fruits of your hard work and efforts, yes? In the spirit of declaring my support for you, I've prepared a little something. Bring me the Seals of Solare, and I'll exchange them for something useful. Those seals are clearly the fruits of your hard work and efforts, yes? Bring me the Seals of Solare, and I'll exchange them for something useful. Marvelous. Here, I hope these will serve you well. And here's to hearing more of your exploits very soon. | |
Quest complete conditions Completion Target: Tachros - Hand over Seal of Solare x20 Required actions:
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Basic - Essence of Courage |