ID: 8758/5
Recall the Memories
icon Quest
Region: Land of the Morning Light
Category: General Quest
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Unexpected Encounter
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Suspicious Secret
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Timeless Memento

Start NPC:
icon - Shim Cheong
End NPC:
icon - Shim Cheong

- Description:
Shim Cheong asked if you could bring her a shellfish that would trigger memories of visiting the beach with her father. She promised a special item in return for the shellfish.

※ To hand over Iridescent Shellfish during the quest, you have to be at least Fishing Master 1.

The shellfish... It's similar to the one I gave to my father
when we visited the seashore...
Its color is so beautiful that I wanted to give it to him.
Could you possibly find that shellfish and bring it to me?
I believe it would help me reminisce about our memories.
If you give me that shellfish,
I'll reward you with a special item
I've created using the power of the Netherworld.
However, to safely handle the item I've made,
you need to be somewhat proficient at fishing.

The shellfish is similar to the one I gave to my father
when we visited the seashore.

Here it is, the special item I mentioned.
Looks like an ordinary fish tank, doesn't it?
But this absorbs all the surrounding light
because it is imbued with the power of the Netherworld.
And time within flows at a significantly slower pace
so that fish inside stay fresh much longer.
You helped me bring back memories of my father, so...
This is the least I can do. Thank you!

Completion Target: Shim Cheong
- Give Shim Cheong Iridescent Shellfish x4
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Shim Cheong
    Fishing Master 1

    Accepted quest Recall the Memories
    Have item:
    - Iridescent Shellfish>0
    Have item:
    - Iridescent Shellfish x 4
    Meet NPC: Shim Cheong
    Fishing Master 1

    Accepted quest Recall the Memories
    Have item:
    - Iridescent Shellfish>0
    Have item:
    - Iridescent Shellfish x 4

- Shim Cheong's Miraculous Fish Tank (50 Slots)
Quest requirements
Have knowledge on The Tale of Shim Cheong
Have item:
- Iridescent Shellfish x >3

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