ID: 8713/4
[Storybook] Bridge of Hostility
icon Quest
Region: All
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

Storybook - Donghae, Buku 14, Bab 4
An unbelievable tale unfolds in Donghae Province!
O'dyllita Main Quest

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Storybook] Thirteen Years of Letters
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Storybook] Bridge of Hostility
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Storybook] Bridge of Hostility

Start NPC:
Pencarian dimulai secara otomatis
End NPC:
Pencarian berakhir secara otomatis

- Description:
Bridge of Hostility II: The Mysterious Byukgye Scholar

The traveler returned to Yeori, astonished after witnessing the scholars' wicked behavior at Blue Bridge. Yeori then told the traveler about something that had happened on that bridge.

It was about when Yeori herself had witnessed a debacle there. The scholars had demanded she pay a toll for crossing the bridge. Holding onto the hope that there would be at least one kind scholar among them, she'd kept quiet. However, it was to no avail, and they began to argue about why she must pay.

It was that moment when "that person" appeared! After seeing Yeori in such a debacle, "that person" came over and said:

"What is the true teaching? While some learn to use their literacy to amass wealth, I worry about presenting a petition of 10,000 voices to the king even when faced with immediate injustice..."

Hearing that, the infuriated Cheongsan scholars attacked him.

"You Byukgye scum! Always waving around the pretense of justice and nobility!"

The first to attack were the Cheongsan scholars, but according to Yeori, it was "that person" who laid them all to the ground!




Completion Target: Black Spirit
- Learn about Bridge of Hostility
Required actions:
  1. Get knowledge:
    icon - Bridge of Hostility

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