ID: 8529/5
[Bulgasal] Late to Appointment
icon Quest
Region: Land of the Morning Light
Category: Main Story
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Bulgasal] Chilling Rumor
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Bulgasal] The Little Thief
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Bulgasal] The Remnants

Start NPC:
icon - Dolswe
End NPC:
icon - Seo Hyoyun

- Description:
Dolswe fears the monster hunting party might already be waiting for you at Hwasun Valley. Make sure you get there promptly and talk to the person in charge.

{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_8529_5_2_Dolsha){ChangeScene(MornPT2_Main_8529_4_Dolsha){ChangeAction(DOLSHE_SIGH)*Sigh*... This country's in such a mess,
even the young’uns are turnin' to petty thievin’. Just breaks my heart.
{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_8529_5_3_Dolsha){ChangeAction(WAIT_1)Now, we had somethin' important to tend to... What was it again?
Oh right! Hwasun Valley! They gotta be waitin' on us there!
※ You will be teleported to the Hwasun Valley upon accepting the quest.

{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_8529_5_3_Dolsha){ChangeScene(MornPT2_Main_8529_4_Dolsha)Now, we had somethin' important to tend to... What was it again?
Oh right! Hwasun Valley! They gotta be waitin' on us there!

{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_8529_5_5_Dolsha){ChangeScene(MornPT2_Main_8529_2_Dolsha2)Well, howdy there.
I'm Dolswe, and this here is the Traveler.
{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_8529_5_6_Dolsha)Word from the Ministry of War is that a huntin' party was gatherin' here
for the castle ruins, so we thought we'd join in.
{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_8529_5_7_HyoYun){ChangeScene(MornPT2_Main_8529_1_HyoYun)Ah, so you're the new recruit they mentioned?
Surprised you didn't bail out on the way here.

Completion Target: Hyoyun
- Talk to Hyoyun
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Seo Hyoyun
Quest requirements
Required to open quests

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