ID: 836/2
Undefiable Fate
KR name: 거역할 수 없는 숙명
icon Quest
Region: All
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

Shakatu Merchants' Archive, Buku 7, Bab 2
Travel log of courageous Rulupee. It contains various episodes from her travels in Balenos, Serendia, Calpheon, Mediah, Valencia, Kamasylvia, Drieghan, and across the ocean.
Reach Lv. 57, accept and complete [Adventure Log] Shakatu Merchants' Archive from the Black Spirit

First quest in the chain:
icon - A Stone Tossed in a Quiet Lake
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Nocturne, the Prelude Begins

Start NPC:
Pencarian dimulai secara otomatis
End NPC:
Pencarian berakhir secara otomatis

- Description:
Struggle to Break Free.

My youngest uncle Dekiman was quite the odd person, and despised for such reasons within the family. My father and grandfather would sigh deeply each time they saw him.

He was the only trouble-making uncle of the house, yet he was particularly fond of me.

I would take his hand as he led me to random places in Calpheon, as he shared exotic and interesting tales of his beloved travels, which greatly expanded my horizons regarding the outside world.

Above all, he taught me alchemy in secret, unknown to the rest of my family. Even the most useless-looking materials would be redeemed as precious ingredients for alchemy when they ended up in my uncle's hands, which always left me in awe.

And one day, he disappeared without a word of warning and reappeared in the same way, but with worn clothes, sunken face...and eyes that sparkled like none other.

Look for another goal within immediate reach to get stronger.

Go on and open it!

Good job! We did it!
Hehe. Did you by any chance find its ring?

Completion Target: Black Spirit
- Hand over Clear Liquid Reagent x1,500 to Alustin
Required actions:
  1. Give item:
    - Clear Liquid Reagent (1500)

- Caphras Stone

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