ID: 7229/4
Fwuzzy Alpaca Approves?
KR name: Fwuzzy Alpaca Approves?
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: Life
Type: Family quest
Level: 1
Shai Exclusive

First quest in the chain:
icon - Befwend Fwuzzy Alpaca
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Alpaca Cries Wolf
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Distant Fwuzzy Alpaca

Start NPC:
icon - Seiri
End NPC:
icon - Seiri

- Description:
Seiri claims that Fwuzzy seems a bit more fwendly since you chased off the wolves. Try giving Fwuzzy some of its fwavorite feed and see how it reacts. Let's go find Fwuzzy.

※ You can forfeit and re-accept the quest If you lose Fwuzzy's Fwavorite Fwodder.

I feel it!
"Fwendship" is in the air!
Fwuzzy is in good spirits and, dare I say it,
you just might be able to hear it hum.
I spotted Fwuzzy coming down from the hill
and heading to graze at its "fwavorite" spot.
Care to give Fwuzzy a visit?
I think you two are finally beginning to understand each other!

I hope you and Fwuzzy become "fwends," Adventurer!
It's in the air, I can just feel it!

So, Adventurer, how was it?
You felt a "fwendly" vibe from Fwuzzy?
Your connection is evolving to something greater than snack-giver!
You're becoming best "fwends!"
This is such a touching moment to be a part of.
However, one last step remains.
And that will have to wait just a bit, Adventurer.
I'm so excited!

Completion Target: Seiri
- Give Fwuzzy some feed to become "fwends"
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Fwuzzy
    Accepted quest Fwuzzy Alpaca Approves?
    Have item:
    - Fwuzzy's Fwavorite Fwodder>0
    Have item:
    - Fwuzzy's Fwavorite Fwodder x 1
    NEW_NPC_CONDITION: ExecuteHandler(Alpaca4)
    Meet NPC: Fwuzzy
    Accepted quest Fwuzzy Alpaca Approves?
    Have item:
    - Fwuzzy's Fwavorite Fwodder>0
    Have item:
    - Fwuzzy's Fwavorite Fwodder x 1
    NEW_NPC_CONDITION: ExecuteHandler(Alpaca4)

- Contribution EXP (150)
- Alpaca Fwendship Gauge #4
Quest requirements
Shai Exclusive
Don't have knowledge on Alpaca Fwendship Gauge #4
Have knowledge on Alpaca Fwendship Gauge #3

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