Quest Region: Drieghan Category: Recurring Quests Type: Family quest Level: 1 Repeat: 1d | |
First quest in the chain: - [Repeat] Bronks Closing In Previous quest in the chain: - [Repeat] Guides of the Swamp Next quest in the chain: - [Repeat] Can't Really Sit! Show/hide full quest chain | |
Start NPC: - Leon End NPC: - Leon | |
- Description: Leon of Tshira Ruins says the huge Leaf Keeper has become a threatening force and hopes you can take care of it. Defeat the Leaf Keeper and return to Leon. ※ This is a daily quest that resets at midnight (server time) every day. | |
Show/hide full quest's text As you can see, the fog around the swamps are pretty thick. Which leads to people mistaking the Leaf Keeper as a friendly Giant. The problem arises when people mistake them for a Giant acquaintance of theirs, reach out to greet them, only to be thrown head first into the swamps. Sounds like a serious problem, doesn't it? We need to chase them out. If it's okay with you, could you help out? I think it won't be too difficult for you. Could you take on some of those big, bulky Leaf Keepers? Awesome! It wasn't too hard? They are big but hollow inside! | |
Quest complete conditions | |
Basic - Prognyl Silver Bar - Black Energy Residue - Ancient Spirit Dust Select - EXP Elixir - Elixir of Demihuman Hunt |