ID: 6670/2
Barely Sealed Letter
KR name: 살짝 봉인된 서신
icon Quest
Region: Kamasylvia
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Curious Lumen
Next quest in the chain:
icon - A Discreet Meeting

Start NPC:
icon - Auciel Renf
End NPC:
icon - Hazel Azealia

- Description:
Auciel Renf said she is won't give you the answer you seek unless you first deliver her sealed letter to Hazel Azealia. Let's deliver the letter to Hazel Azealia in Grána.

You're just dying to know, aren't you?
Or are you only curious because of what Lumen said?
I'm afraid I will not answer your question
unless you help me with something first.
Can you head to Grána and deliver this letter to Hazel Azealia, the Acher Military Representative?
I will give you the answer you are looking for then.
Do make sure the seal on the letter remains intact when you deliver the letter.

※ You can either choose to progress with this quest, or you can choose to take the corresponding quest from the Black Spirit instead.

You'll find her next to the queen.
Please, do not temper with the seal on the letter.

A letter from Auciel Renf...?
Let's discuss this somewhere else.

Completion Target: Hazel Azealia
- Deliver the sealed letter to Hazel Azealia
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Hazel Azealia

- Contribution EXP (150)
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Not finished quest: icon - A Broken Promise
Finished quest: icon - Curious Lumen
Not accepted quest: icon - A Broken Promise
Level: 58+
Required to open quests
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Kuma Okami 29-04-2023 17:54
Edit: You can still finish the questline, the black spirit one is a crossroad quest but it doesn't pop up like the crossroads in the story questline. The black spirit will have the quest "A Secretive Letter" which is the continuation of the questline and has you go to Tarif instead.

Be careful with this quest. When you finish talking to Aciel Renf, the black spirit will pop up asking if you wish to look at the letter. DO NOT accept his offer if you wish to continue the questline for the knowledge as accepting the black spirit quest locks the rest of the questline. Just got caught by this because I was R spamming.
jimmyboy 15-05-2021 03:00
Both branches give the same knowledge and most of the same rewards, this branch however rewards 3 Elixirs of Remarkable Will which isn't very valuable but has demand on the market.

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