ID: 4540/15
Mutations at the Lab
KR name: 실험실을 점거한 돌연변이들
icon Quest
Region: Mediah
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - An Eternal Flame
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Need Parts...
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Remove, Recover

Start NPC:
icon - Mad Scientist's Subject
End NPC:
icon - Mad Scientist's Subject

- Description:
The Test Subject says the experiment site needs to be reclaimed while searching for parts. Kill some of the plentiful Mutated Obsidian Monsters inside the experiment site.

Test materials were left at the experiment site.
But many mutated Test Subjects attacked father.
Present, can't get in. Removal demanded.
Expected materials remaining. Saw it in the last memory.

Body a wreck. Precise judgment impossible.
Will go to experiment site and find materials for restoration.

Identified risk factor reduction.
But still incomplete.

Completion Target: Mad Scientist's Subject
- Defeat the Mutated Obsidian Monster
Required actions:
  1. Kill monsters (30):
    icon - Mutated Obsidian Monster

- Contribution EXP (150)
- Ancient Silver Coin
- Ancient Silver Coin
- Ancient Silver Coin
Amity (10):
- Mad Scientist's Test Subject
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements

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