ID: 3906/4
[Recall] Shy Kakuo
KR name: [Recall] Shy Kakuo
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: General Quest
Type: Family quest
Level: 1
Corsair Exclusive

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Recall] Cap'n to the Rescue!
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Recall] Hungry Kakuo
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Recall] In Search of a Master

Start NPC:
icon - Kakuo
End NPC:
icon - Waruo

- Description:
Kakuo says that he needs to find someone who'll be his art master. Go to Waruo to receive information on whom this person might be.

※ You need a Fishing Rod to complete the quest.

Queek... I can't give up like this. Queek!
I gotta find someone who be better at art than I be. Queek!
Becao be a talented Ot-tist... but I don't want to learn from him. Queek!
Between ye and me, his constant fartin' would knock a whale senseless! Queek!
Would ye find someone else to be me art master, Cap'n? Queek!
I bet Waruo could help. He knows a thing or two. Queek!

Would ye find someone else to be me art master, Cap'n? Queek!
I bet Waruo could help. He knows a thing or two. Queek!

{ChangeAction(CRIO_ACTION_HAPPY)Gyar! I haven't had this much to eat in a while. Queek!
What should I feast on first? Queek!

Completion Target: Waruo
- Get information from Waruo
- Catch green grade fish for Waruo
- Hand over the fish to Waruo
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Waruo
    Accepted quest [Recall] Shy Kakuo
    Meet NPC: Waruo
    Accepted quest [Recall] Shy Kakuo
  2. Tangkap ikan dengan grade [Green] x 5
  3. Meet NPC: Waruo
    Accepted quest [Recall] Shy Kakuo
    NEW_NPC_CONDITION: removefishwithgrade(1,5,0)
    Meet NPC: Waruo
    Accepted quest [Recall] Shy Kakuo
    NEW_NPC_CONDITION: removefishwithgrade(1,5,0)

- Contribution EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - [Recall] Hungry Kakuo
Corsair Exclusive
Required to open quests

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