Quest Region: Northern Calpheon Category: General Quest Type: Character quest Level: 1 | |
First quest in the chain: - [Gathering] Cover for a Stupid Goblin Previous quest in the chain: - [Gathering] Where are Fire Flake Flowers? Next quest in the chain: - [Gathering] Energizing Mushrooms Show/hide full quest chain - [Gathering] Cover for a Stupid Goblin - [Gathering] Where are Fire Flake Flowers? - [Processing] A Cow that Drinks Only Clean Water - [Gathering] Energizing Mushrooms - [Gathering] Good Quality Silver Azalea - Ominous Information - Something Beedle Knows - The Token of a Curse... - What Tobare Discovered - Report to Basquean Ljurik - [Daily] Unfinished Business #Cron Castle - [Daily] Unfinished Business #Serendia Shrine - [Daily] Unfinished Business #Calpheon Shrine - [Daily] Unfinished Business #Shadow Knights - [EXC] Ring of Concentrated Magical Power Exchange 4/4 - [EXC] Earring of Concentrated Magical Power 4/4 - [EXC] Ring of Sealed Magical Power 5/5 - [EXC] Earring of Sealed Magical Power 5/5 | |
Start NPC: - Villager End NPC: - Villager | |
- Description: A Villager at the Northern Plantation asked you to bring Purified Water. Look around to see if there's place where you can fetch water. | |
Show/hide full quest's text This cow's name is Brandy. It only drinks clean water. It won't take a sip if the water has impurities. I'm having a tough time since I'm the owner. And I forgot to fetch water today. You look like you have some spare time. Can you please give me a hand? Please fetch water for me, but don't forget to purify it. Did you forget how to purify water? Don't forget to do it where the wind blows. You're good at purifying water! My Brandy is going to like this! | |
Quest complete conditions Completion Target: Villager - Make and deliver Purified Water Required actions:
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Basic - Recover 2 Energy |