Quest Region: All Category: General Quest Type: Character quest Level: 1 | |
First quest in the chain: - [Gathering] Cover for a Stupid Goblin Previous quest in the chain: - Something Beedle Knows Next quest in the chain: - What Tobare Discovered Show/hide full quest chain - [Gathering] Cover for a Stupid Goblin - [Gathering] Where are Fire Flake Flowers? - [Processing] A Cow that Drinks Only Clean Water - [Gathering] Energizing Mushrooms - [Gathering] Good Quality Silver Azalea - Ominous Information - Something Beedle Knows - The Token of a Curse... - What Tobare Discovered - Report to Basquean Ljurik - [Daily] Unfinished Business #Cron Castle - [Daily] Unfinished Business #Serendia Shrine - [Daily] Unfinished Business #Calpheon Shrine - [Daily] Unfinished Business #Shadow Knights - [EXC] Ring of Concentrated Magical Power Exchange 4/4 - [EXC] Earring of Concentrated Magical Power 4/4 - [EXC] Ring of Sealed Magical Power 5/5 - [EXC] Earring of Sealed Magical Power 5/5 | |
Start NPC: - Delfinio End NPC: - Agria Jens | |
- Description: Delfinio knows something, but he's saying he doesn't have anything to say to adventurers. But he tells you what's happening at the Shrine in Southwestern Calpheon and wants you to go there. | |
Show/hide full quest's text I don't have to tell you what this is. You're not paying me to tell you, are you? However, the resurrection of the evil god bothers me. Those frenzied priests will rant even more. Go to Kzarka Shrine in Calpheon. There was a rumor something's going on down there. You usually pay for this information. Oh... and if you found the evidence, go see Agria Jens. What is this? Oh it's an item from the Shadow Knights. | |
Quest complete conditions Completion Target: Agria Jens - Defeat Calpheon Shrine Priests Required actions:
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Basic - Ljurik's Belt - Gold Bar 1G |