ID: 3446/11
Secret to the Grave - Three Bears
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: General Quest
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - The Well-Spoken Slum Child
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Mama Bear Wants to See Real Mama

Start NPC:
icon - Slum Child Dreams to Be an Artist
End NPC:
icon - Conductor-aspiring Noble Child

- Description:
Papa Bear the conductor, Mama Bear the artist, and I... the "cute" little Baby Bear... none would ever believe this secret between the three of us, even if they heard it. You feel somewhat satisfied in having created a lovely memory for the children. Promise to keep the secret with Mama Bear, then check back with Papa Bear to see if he's doing okay.

Oh right!! I heard you promised to be our Baby Bear?
Papa Bear... Mama Bear... and Baby Bear...
This is to be a secret only for us three bears!
Don't you tell anyone else!!

Papa Bear should be performing
by the fountain where we first met.

Baby Bear! Thank you for everything.
If you still so desire, I can really hire you as a helping hand.
A-one, a-two, a-three, a-four...
A-two, a-two, a-three, a-four...

Completion Target: Conductor-aspiring Noble Child
- Promise to keep Mama Bear's secret
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Slum Child Dreams to Be an Artist
    Accepted quest Secret to the Grave - Three Bears
    Meet NPC: Slum Child Dreams to Be an Artist
    Accepted quest Secret to the Grave - Three Bears
Quest requirements
Level: 11+
Finished quest: icon - Mama Bear Wants to See Real Mama

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