ID: 3425/7
[Repeat] Sacrifice for Aal
KR name: [반복] 아알에게 바치는 공물
icon Quest
Region: Southwestern Calpheon
Category: Recurring Quests
Type: Family quest
Level: 1
Repeat: 1d

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Repeat] Medicine for Seasickness will Make Profit
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Repeat] Delivering Supplies

Start NPC:
icon - Soldier
End NPC:
icon - Soldier

- Description:
A soldier from Valencia who traveled all the way to Western Calpheon, carves Aal's seven commandments on a scantling and throws it out in the sea everyday to become a devout Aalan. However, he is facing difficulties as he is running out of scantling to use.
Bring the soldier 5 usable scantling.

I am in training to become an Aalan.
People are afraid of not being able to escape.
But I am more afraid of not being able to keep the vow
I made before Aal, at sanctum of obedience.
I vowed to carve Aal's seven commandments on a scantling and send it out into the sea everyday,
however I am running out of scantling I brought and they are hard to obtain here.
Do you have any extra scantling I can use?
I would greatly appreciate it.

I only need around 5 usable scantling.

Thank you. I can now keep the vow I made before Aal.

Completion Target: Villager
- Hand over Usable Scantling
Required actions:
  1. Give item:
    - Usable Scantling (5) NPC: icon - Soldier

- Contribution EXP (300)
- Gathering EXP
- Processing EXP
Quest requirements
Level: 58+

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