ID: 3404/3
Reversed Horoscope
KR name: 뒤바뀐 별자리
icon Quest
Region: Northern Calpheon
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Blackstar Fragment
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Even a Small Piece
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Rejected Research Paper

Start NPC:
icon - Regie
End NPC:
icon - Annolisa Rosie

- Description:
Through his own method of analysis, Regie the astronomer revealed that the Blackstar was the third star of the black dragon constellation. Take Regie's findings to Annolisa Rosie at the Calpheon library.

I got the results!
The Blackstar must be the third star of the black dragon constellation.
I haven't been able to see the star for a while,
so I thought maybe the meteorite is in fact that very star.
Sure enough, I put the debris in the mixture I made with herbs
and smoke arose from it in the shape of a black dragon.
This is good enough! I finished the paper and I have enough proof to back it up.
Could you take my research paper to the librarian in Calpheon?

Annolisa Rosie will be able to provide feedback for my paper!
Although my thesis is irrefutable.

This paper is a sham.

Completion Target: Annolisa Rosie
- Take the research paper to Annolisa Rosie
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Annolisa Rosie
    Accepted quest Reversed Horoscope
    Meet NPC: Annolisa Rosie
    Accepted quest Reversed Horoscope

- Contribution EXP (150)
- Gold Bar 1G
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - Even a Small Piece
Required to open quests

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