ID: 3122/6
What is a Mysterious Chest?
KR name: 의문의 석함이 뭐길래?
icon Quest
Region: Calpheon City
Category: General Quest
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Profitable Information
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Really?
Next quest in the chain:
icon - According to What I Know

Start NPC:
icon - Rubin
End NPC:
icon - Rubin

- Description:
Rubin asked you to find out more about the Mysterious Chests that made his friend Charles go bankrupt. Obtain a Mysterious Chest, open it, and show Rubin what was inside the chest.

Thanks. I wonder what made Charles think it was a good idea to spend all his money on them...
Could you get your hands on a Mysterious Chest and find out for me?

You can purchase a Mysterious Chest at the Mysterious Workshop,
but I heard you can also get some simply by doing some favors for the workers there.

I see, merchants and the workers at the workshop
came up with these chests to make use of left-over materials.
It's fun to buy these and see what's inside,
but I imagine it could get addictive.
Hey, now that I think about it,
the Mysterious Chests I've seen before never looked this shabby!

Completion Target: Rubin
- Hand over Remnants of a Mysterious Chest to Rubin
Required actions:
  1. Give item:
    - Remnants of a Mysterious Chest (1) NPC: icon - Rubin

- Contribution EXP (50)
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - Really?
Required to open quests
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Metalharpey 2-01-2022 04:34
Behind Bianstimi in Calpheon there is an NPC called Brahm.
He will give you a quest that requires 250x Tin Ingots & 250x Powder of Darkness, which will give you a Shabby Mysterious Chest.
Roulette will give you Remnants of Mysterious Chest, give it to Rubin and done yahoo.gif
loyiansteve 26-10-2023 09:09
You can also buy Mysterious Chest from Lara and open to get the remnants(recommend to buy the earring chest)
valkrist 25-11-2019 04:19
Vá até o NPC Bram (não tem auto rota) que fica atrás do NPC Bianstimi, dentro de uma casa. Nele terá duas quests. Acho que pode escolher qualquer uma das duas, mas eu escolhi a Faltam materiais, que requer 250 lingotes de estanho e 250 pós da escuridão. Completando você ganha um Baú Misterioso Surrado, que pode vir alguns acessórios e também o Restos do Baú Misterioso, que é usado para completar a quest. Caso venha o acessório ao invés dos restos, não sei como prosseguir, mas talvez dê pra pegar a quest de novo.
gagho 28-03-2021 19:43
Jared Dyrr 17-08-2024 15:34
kankawee 5-11-2021 11:37
เลือกรับเควส วัตถุดิบไม่เพียงพอ ส่งมอบ แท่งดีบุก 250 + ส่งมอบ ผงความมืด 250 หรือ เลือก ล้างแค้ให้ข้าหน่อย ไปกำจัดแมกีแมน 1000 ตัว

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