ID: 3047/7
Why Cox Pirates Became Stronger
KR name: 콕스 해적단이 강해진 이유
icon Quest
Group: Pirate Island Extermination
Region: Northern Calpheon
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Pirates That Threaten Calpheon
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Finding Traces for Killi
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Man Who Studied Monsters

Start NPC:
icon - Killi
End NPC:
icon - Shilly

- Description:
Based on Killi's investigation, it seems there are still about the same number of Cox Pirates. She asked you to take orders from the Deck Combatants for further investigation.

Just a few years ago,
the Cox Pirates were nothing but a group of pirate grunts.
An idiot captain and idiot pirates...
Paper tigers, come to think of it.
They don't look so special even these days...
Where could their hidden forces be?
I need to investigate further.
Can you help me?
I think I saw the Deck Combatants
carrying written instructions from the captain.
Find those instructions,
and find my colleague, Shilly. That will be a clue.
Shilly is disguised as one of the pirates.
You'll need the password. It's Our sun rises from the west, sets to the west.

Try defeating Deck Combatants.
They must be carrying some sort of written instructions.

Oh... God... According to these orders,
they'll hand something over to the mo... monster.
Monster... What do they mean by monster?
*Gasps* No... No way!

Completion Target: Shilly
- Find Deck Combatant Orders
- Say the password to Shilly and make contact
Required actions:
  1. Get 3 quest item(s) from icon - Deck Combatant. Drop chance: 80%
  2. Get knowledge:
    icon - Pirate's Password

- Contribution EXP (150)
- Gold Bar 1G
Amity (20):
- Shilly
- EXP (100)
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Anonymous 6-05-2016 07:10
Answer is "Rises in the West, Sets in the West"
Anonymous 20-09-2017 04:20
Em português essas respostas ficaram mal traduzidas e parece que tem 2 pares de respostas iguais...Não aparece 'nasce no oeste e se pões no oeste' em nenhuma resposta, mas a resposta correta é a 3a opção.
BsLee 17-11-2020 15:46

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