ID: 21422/7
[Ulukita] Journey to Ulukita's Heart
icon Quest
Region: Ulukita
Category: Main Story
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Ulukita] Prince Bareeds' Broken Spirit
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Ulukita] In Search of the Shattered Prince
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Ulukita] Song of Muzgar

Start NPC:
Black Spirit
End NPC:
icon - Sirare

- Description:
Steeling his will, Sirare begins to head to Muzgar again. The City of the Dead is close, and there are terrains that are perfect for ambush. Let's pass through the canyon with caution.

And I thought our bond was pretty thick... something's up between them two, right partner?
They call him a prophet.... but I think he seems a bit... clueless?
Sigh... I guess it's up to us again to save fools like him!
Hehe. Let's make our way to Muzgar!

Sigh... I guess it's up to us again to save fools like him!
Hehe. Let's make our way to Muzgar!

{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_21422_7_1_Sirare)So this is Muzgar...!
It feels more like a fortress than a town.

Completion Target: Sirare
- Cross the threatening canyon with Sirare
- Cross the threatening canyon with Sirare
- Cross the threatening canyon with Sirare
- Cross the threatening canyon with Sirare
Required actions:
Quest requirements
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Valks300 30-11-2023 17:28

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