ID: 1200/146
Fish for Villagers
KR name: [벨리아 낚시] 주민들에게 선물할 물고기
icon Quest
Region: Eastern Balenos
Category: Recurring Quests
Type: Family quest
Level: 1
Repeat: 3d

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Gathering I] The Cursed Trees
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Alchemy] Learning Never Stops #4
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Sweet Reward!

icon - [Gathering I] The Cursed Trees
icon - [Gathering II] The Cursed Trees
icon - [Gathering III] The Cursed Trees
icon - [Gathering I] Camelia's Desire
icon - [Gathering II] Camelia's Desire
icon - [Gathering III] Camelia's Desire
icon - [Gathering I] A Letter from Uncle Berman
icon - [Gathering II] A Letter from Uncle Berman
icon - [Gathering III] A Letter from Uncle Berman
icon - [Gathering I] Finto Family Chef
icon - [Gathering II] Finto Family Chef
icon - [Gathering III] Finto Family Chef
icon - [Gathering] Avidio's Guard Service
icon - [Processing] Support the Supporter
icon - [Gathering] Marv Hates Wolves
icon - [Processing] More than Moderate
icon - [Gathering] Wooter, Wocester's Pupil
icon - [Gathering] Nodmir's Passion
icon - [Gathering] Milkin' the Potion
icon - [Gathering] Withering Trees
icon - [Processing] Master's Perseverance
icon - [Gathering] Wilkevic's Request
icon - [Gathering] Julietta's Hobby
icon - [Gathering] Crush Them Herbs!
icon - [Gathering] Medical Botany
icon - [Gathering] Gathering is Fun!
icon - [Gathering] Hay for Chiara
icon - [Gathering] Old Tree
icon - [Gathering] Treatment for Bison
icon - [Processing] Making a Saddle
icon - [Processing] Daily Training
icon - [Gathering] Meat for a Cat
icon - [Processing] Sady's Tool Supply
icon - [Gathering] Lacy Hates Hides
icon - [Gathering] Reed of the Spirits
icon - [Gathering] Reviving a Fish
icon - [Gathering] Blood of Beasts
icon - [Processing] Hop! Step! Jump!
icon - [Gathering] Raymond Loves Grapes
icon - [Gathering] Meat Wars
icon - [Alchemy] Julietta, the Rookie Alchemist
icon - [Alchemy] Wocester, Enhancing Plywood
icon - [Alchemy] Chiara's Hide Treatment
icon - [Alchemy] Bionier's Jewels
icon - [Alchemy] Just Like a Seal
icon - [Alchemy] Curtis' Metal Solvent
icon - [Alchemy] Method of Hemostasis
icon - [Cooking] Everyone Loves Cheese
icon - [Cooking] A Glass of Beer
icon - [Cooking] Good Snack
icon - [Cooking] A Poultry Dish
icon - [Alchemy] Learning Never Stops #1
icon - [Alchemy] Learning Never Stops #2
icon - [Alchemy] Learning Never Stops #3
icon - [Alchemy] Learning Never Stops #4
icon - Fish for Villagers
icon - Sweet Reward!
icon - [Cooking] Memory in Your Hands #1
icon - [Cooking] Memory in Your Hands #2
icon - [Cooking] Memory in Your Hands #3
icon - [Cooking] Memory in Your Hands #4
icon - [Daily] Young Shepherd
icon - Victory at Red Battlefield!
icon - The Strength from Courage
icon - Battle It Out at the Red Battlefield!
icon - Participate in Red Battlefield to Get a Reward

Start NPC:
icon - Abelin
End NPC:
icon - Abelin

- Description:
Abelin from Velia wants to give fish to the villagers.

Catch the fish Abelin wants and give them to Igor Bartali, Alustin, Bahar, and Eileen.

※ You can receive this quest again 3 days after completing it.
※ You can catch the requested fish in the open sea in Velia region.

Huh... Haven't seen you for a while! You're Player, right? Nice timing.
You know, I thought about giving some fish to villagers...
but as you know, I'm not so good at fishing. Can you fish for me?
I'm not asking this for free. If you help me, I'll give you something good.

What am I getting you?
Why yes! It's a token of your contribution to our town!

You're done already?
Great! Good work.

Completion Target: Abelin
- Give 1 Grunt to Igor Bartali
- Give 1 Tuna to Alustin
- Give 1 Black Porgy to Bahar
- Give 1 Spotted Sea Bass to Eileen
Required actions:
  1. Give item:
    - Grunt (1) NPC: icon - Igor Bartali
  2. Give item:
    - Tuna (1) NPC: icon - Alustin
  3. Give item:
    - Black Porgy (1) NPC: icon - Bahar
  4. Give item:
    - Spotted Sea Bass (1) NPC: icon - Eileen

- Contribution EXP (100)
- Contribution EXP (100)
- Contribution EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - [Fishing] Catching Mackerel
Fishing > Apprentice 10
Required to open quests
Sort by: Rating Date
Anonymous 30-04-2016 08:18
Pagre : île de Luivano
Gorette : Côte d'Olvia
Anonymous 8-07-2016 20:31
Tuna => Alustin
Spotted Sea Bass => Elieen
Grunt => Igor Bartali
Black Porgy => Bahar
Anonymous 14-07-2016 10:10
Auf Deutsch

Alustin: Tunfisch;
Igor Bartali: Grunzer;
Bahar: Schwarzer Lippfisch;
Eileen: gefleckter Wolfsbarsch;

Das ist die Frage mit den wohl meisten Bugs:
Im Questtext gefordert: IGOR > Meerbrasse; ALUSTIN > Mönchsfisch; BAHAR > Meeraal; EILEEN > Grunzer;
Persönliche Forderungstext: IGOR > Kugelfisch; ALUSTIN > Schlammspringer; BAHAR > Skorpionfisch;

Wirklich gebraucht werden jedoch die o. g. Fische (alle Kategorie Blau > 20.000 Silber)
Anonymous 22-05-2017 12:49
As convenient as it would be, expired fish don't work, so you can't stockpile fish for easy repeatable turn-ins.
AthyInLive 25-10-2023 10:24
Igor Bartali : Gorette
Alustin : Thon
Bahar : Pagre noir
Eileen : Bar tacheté

Utilisez l'Aquarium mystérieux de Shim Cheong
( )
( poissons frais pour 5 jours )
pour stocker vos poissons pour 2 quêtes
( pêche/1ere quête en début de semaine, la 2eme le jeudi )

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