Quest Region: All Category: Event Type: Family quest Level: 1 | |
First quest in the chain: - [Event] Memory Fragment Bundle Previous quest in the chain: - [Event] Krogdalo Horse Gear Crafting Box Next quest in the chain: - [Event] Rare Courser Training Box Show/hide full quest chain - [Event] Memory Fragment Bundle - [Event] Choose Your Artisan Worker Box - [Event] Kuku Nest - [Event] Essence of Honor x10 - [Event] Essence of Courage x10 - [Event] Krogdalo Horse Gear Crafting Box - [Event] Enhancement Help Kit III - [Event] Rare Courser Training Box - [Event] Corrupt Oil of Immortality x3 - [Event] [Weekly] Golden Blessing of Agris x3 - [Event] [Weekly] Tear of the Ocean x3 - [Event] [Weekly] Merindora's Element x5 - [Event] [Weekly] Crio's Choose Your Trace Box - [Event] [Weekly] Crio's Choose Your Fruit Box - [Event] [Weekly] Cox Pirates' Artifact (Combat) x10 - [Event] [Weekly] Valks' Cry x10 - [Event] Crio's Seedling Pot | |
Start NPC: - Crio End NPC: - Crio | |
- Description: Crio of Velia wishes to collect some beautiful maples leaves. Bring him some and he will exchange them for something good. ※ This quest is available once per Family. ※ You can fish up [Event] Damp Maple Leaf from certain locations during the event period. | |
Show/hide full quest's text Queek queek! Over here! I've a favor to ask of you! Queek! Not too long ago, I saw some beautiful maple leaves floating about the sea... But due to some strange jellyfish that appeared out of nowhere, these leaves were pushed away, and I lost sight of them. Queek! If you can bring me some of those maple leaves, I'll exchange them for something good. Queek! If you can bring me some of those maple leaves, I'll exchange them for something good. Queek! To reward you for your efforts, here is a gift. Queek! I know you'll put it to good use. Queek! | |
Quest complete conditions Completion Target: Crio - Hand over [Event] Damp Maple Leaf x20 to Crio Required actions:
| |
Basic - [Event] Enhancement Help Kit III |