Quest Region: All Category: Event Type: Family quest Level: 1 | |
First quest in the chain: - [Arena of Solare] Choose Your Shakatu Box Previous quest in the chain: - [Arena of Solare] [Event] Shining Shakatu's Seal Next quest in the chain: - [Arena of Solare] Advice of Valks (+110) Show/hide full quest chain | |
Start NPC: - Shakatu End NPC: - Shakatu | |
- Description: Shakatu in the Altinova Arena says he is awarding special gifts to those who bear special seals. Hand over [Event] Seal of Victory x2 to Shakatu and receive Cron Stone x300. ※ This quest is available once per Family. ※ To participate in the Arena of Solare, press the "Find Match" button via Menu - War - Arena of Solare. Once you've found a match, you will automatically enter the arena. | |
Show/hide full quest's text That look in your eyes is fiercer than the bravest musa, enough to make all who face you quiver in fear! Is it enough to ascend to the top ranks, though? I've always been a good judge of character... So don't you go breaking my streak. Achieve victory in the Arena of Solare, obtain two Seals of Victory, and bring it back to me for a spectacular present. Whether it will be enough to goad you towards victory... Well, what say you? Achieve victory in the Arena of Solare, obtain two Seals of Victory, and bring it back to me for a spectacular present. Here, take this. As promised, a reward for your victory! May you never cease in your quest to be the very best! | |
Quest complete conditions Completion Target: Shakatu - Hand over [Event] Seal of Victory x2 to Shakatu Required actions:
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Basic - Cron Stone |