Quest Region: All Category: Event Type: Family quest Level: 1 | |
First quest in the chain: - [Event] A Special Meal for the Soldiers Previous quest in the chain: - [Event] Our Hero Show/hide full quest chain | |
Start NPC: - Norma Leight End NPC: - Norma Leight | |
- Description: Norma Leight at Northern Wheat Plantation is said to adore tulips. She apparently has a special gift for anyone who brings her tulips, so let's go check it out. ※ Use Farming on the [Event] Tulip Seed from Challenge to obtain an [Event] Tulip. | |
Show/hide full quest's text It's truly a blessing to be gifted something by another. And yet, no one has gifted me anything as of late. What? You have a gift for me, Adventurer? Ooh, what ever could it be? What kind of gift do you have for me? I can't wait to find out! These are my favorite. Just looking at them takes my mind to another place. It really makes my day. I'll take good care of this one. Thank you so much! Here's a little gift from me to you. | |
Quest complete conditions Completion Target: Norma Leight - Gift [Event] Tulip x3 to Norma Leight Required actions:
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Basic - Gold Bar 100G - Caphras Stone - [Event] Shakatu's Luxury Box - [Event] Enhancement Help Kit II |