Quest Region: All Category: Event Type: Family quest Level: 1 | |
First quest in the chain: - [Event] A Special Meal for the Soldiers Next quest in the chain: - [Event] A Tulip for Your Heart Show/hide full quest chain | |
Start NPC: - Ahr End NPC: - Ahr | |
- Description: Ahr has heard that soldiers keep the peace, but she's curious as to what it is exactly that they actually do. Let's see for ourselves and report back to Ahr. | |
Show/hide full quest's text Greetings, Adventurer! I had something I wanted to ask you! I heard from my brother that the village is safe thanks to all those soldiers. But could you tell me, what exactly do those soldiers do? Maybe you could go see for yourself, Adventurer, and then tell me? I keep asking my brother about it, but he says it's too dangerous for me to know! Adventurer, could you go and see what it is exactly that those soldiers do? Oh! So that's why me and everyone else in the village can enjoy such peaceful lives. It's all thanks to the soldiers! When you have a chance to stop by again, I'll gift you a flower as a token of my thanks. One I've grown myself! I better tell my brother to spread word about the soldiers and their brave deeds! Thank you so much, Adventurer, for letting me know! | |
Quest complete conditions Completion Target: Ahr - Check out Anti-Troll Fortification - Check out Old Dandelion - Check out Delphe Knights Castle - Tell Ahr about the battlefields you've seen Required actions:
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Basic - [Event] Shakatu's Luxury Box - [Event] Advice of Destiny - [Event] Advice of Safety - Valks' Cry - [Event] Artisan's Memory |