ID: 11094/1
[Event] They Took the Herb Bundles!
KR name: [이벤트] 약초 꾸러미를 가져갔어!
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: Event
Type: Family quest
Level: 1
Repeat: 1d

Start NPC:
icon - Valentine
End NPC:
icon - Valentine

- Description:
Valentine asked you to find and return some missing herbs.

※ You can get the quest item [Event] Ineffective Herb Bundle by gathering (e.g. lumbering, using a Fluid Collector, or mining).

Oh no, what do I do?
You there! Can you help me?
I really need your help.
Some Shais came and took my herbs!
Some of the herbs they took are harmless, but others can be dangerous.
Please help me get the herbs back quickly before they cause trouble.
Maybe the Shais decided to not use the herbs, and ditched them.
If you try gathering, maybe you will come across the missing herbs.

Please help me get the herbs back quickly before they cause trouble.
If you try gathering, maybe you will come across the missing herbs.

Yes. These are the herbs!
You really managed to find them!
It's great to know that adventurers like you exist.
Thank you, and if you find any more of the herbs, please hand them over to me as well.
I'll be sure to repay you.

Completion Target: Valentine
- Give Valentine the herb bundle obtained through gathering
Required actions:
  1. Give item:
    - [Event] Ineffective Herb Bundle (1) NPC:

    - Valentine

- Town Certificate of Contribution (100)
Quest requirements
Level: 30+
Time period: 2019/6/19-06:00 - 2019/7/3-06:00
Level: 30+
Time period: 2019/6/26-09:00 - 2019/7/10-09:00
Level: 30+
Time period: 2019/6/26-09:00 - 2019/7/10-09:00
Level: 30+
Time period: 2019/6/26-05:00 - 2019/7/10-05:00
Level: 30+
Time period: 2019/6/26-09:00 - 2019/7/10-09:00
Level: 30+
Time period: 2019/6/26-05:00 - 2019/7/10-05:00
Level: 30+
Time period: 2019/6/26-06:00 - 2019/7/10-06:00
Level: 30+
Time period: 2019/6/26-08:00 - 2019/7/10-08:00
Level: 30+
Time period: 2019/6/26-05:00 - 2019/7/10-05:00
Level: 30+
Time period: 2019/6/26-08:00 - 2019/7/10-08:00
Level: 30+
Time period: 2019/12/04-06:00 - 2019/12/18-08:00

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