ID: 11071/1
[Event] Santo Manzi's Secret
KR name: [이벤트] 산토 만지의 비밀
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: Event
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Event] Annolisa Rosie's Secret

Start NPC:
icon - Dosogan Nia
End NPC:
icon - Dosogan Nia

- Description:
Dosogan Nia told you a rumor about Santo Manzi. Go to Santo Manzi to investigate the rumor.

※ This quest is available only once per Family.
※ Go to Santo Manzi and choose what you say carefully.
※ Your goal is to try and choose the option that you think will end up not being chosen as much by others. That answer will become a "lie."

Hey you! Yes you, who else would I be talking to?
Want to do something fun?
I will tell you a rumor, and you will help decide if that rumor is the truth or a lie.
You think it sounds simple?
Haha, you won't be thinking that after hearing this!

Hehehe, teasing simple-minded adventurers like you is the one joy in my life.
Choose wisely!

Of course, Santo Manzi will not admit that he sleeps with a stuffed bear.
That doesn't matter though.
What will ultimately be considered the lie is not up to him at all, but up to what we all believe.
I hope you don't regret the choice you made today.

Completion Target: Dosogan Nia
- Investigate the rumor with Santo Manzi
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Santo Manzi
    Accepted quest [Event] Santo Manzi's Secret
    NEW_NPC_CONDITION: ExchangeItem(43270,0,1,43268,0,1)
    Meet NPC: Santo Manzi
    Accepted quest [Event] Santo Manzi's Secret
    NEW_NPC_CONDITION: ExchangeItem(43270,0,1,43269,0,1)
    Meet NPC: Santo Manzi
    Accepted quest [Event] Santo Manzi's Secret
    NEW_NPC_CONDITION: ExchangeItem(43270,0,1,43268,0,1)
    Meet NPC: Santo Manzi
    Accepted quest [Event] Santo Manzi's Secret
    NEW_NPC_CONDITION: ExchangeItem(43270,0,1,43269,0,1)
Quest requirements
Level: 100+

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