ID: 1101/3
[Farming] New Weapon Needed
KR name: [재배] 새로운 무기가 필요해
icon Quest
Region: Eastern Balenos
Category: Recurring Quests
Type: Family quest
Level: 1
Repeat: 1d

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Farming] Sweet Grapes
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Farming] High-quality Bait
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Farming] Sunflower with My Heart

Start NPC:
icon - Adrian Loggia
End NPC:
icon - Adrian Loggia

- Description:
Adrian said he needs a Twig to make a slingshot. Get a Twig by Pruning your Fence Garden.

1. Install a Fence.
2. Click the Interact button on the fence ((Interaction) button) to enter Place Mode.
3. Plant a Seed in the Place Mode.
4. Obtain a Twig by Pruning your crops.

※ This quest resets at midnight (server time) every day.
※ You can obtain Farming EXP by performing [Pruning] and [Killing Pests].
※ Fences can be installed anywhere except for roads, Conquest Areas, and Safe Zones (towns).

Wow! Adventurer! Your weapons are so cool!
I wish I had a new weapon...
Hm...If I had a strong tree branch,
I would be able to make a cool slingshot.

I'm going to catch those seagulls with my slingshot!
...They always steal my food.

Wow, thank you Adventurer!
...But... how do you make a slingshot again?

Completion Target: Adrian Loggia
- Hand over a twig to Adrian
Required actions:
  1. Give item:
    - Twig (1) NPC: icon - Adrian Loggia

- Contribution EXP (150)
- Farming EXP
Quest requirements
Farming > Beginner 0

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