ID: 47061/1
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1
Horoscope: Owl Treant
sympathy Interest Level: 32 ~ 33
sympathy Favor: 31 ~ 34

People of the Forest (0/4)
Audraism & the Thornwood Watch (0/4)
Theology I (0/4)
- Description:
Neltia, Sephir's Ahib, became the Wharf Manager of Starry Midnight Port.

Though her role originally was to oversee the humans coming into the Starry Midnight Port, Neltia became the Wharf Manager, a job fit only for humans, by making a mistake which even she thought was ridiculous. Believe it or not, she lost two human captives who were only about ten years old. The former human Wharf manager who helped them escape was executed by Neltia. Then, the higher-ups ordered her to manage ships that enter and leave the docks in person.

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