ID: 47022
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 2
Evasion: 1
Damage Reduction: 1
Horoscope: Key
sympathy Interest Level: 35 ~ 51
sympathy Favor: 34 ~ 37

Sophistication II (0/4)
Olun's Valley (0/4)
Bloodthirsty Warriors (0/4)
- Description:
Hiznak, instructor of Black Spirit's Training in the capital city of O'draxxia.

As a Dark Knight who pledged to defend Kamasylve, she was dispatched to O'draxxia by the Obsidian Ashes led by Arethel from beyond Olun's Valley. Samala Elsha, the Skill Instructor, was the one who invited her to O'draxxia to become the instructor of Black Spirit's Training, to which Hiznak gladly accepted. Hiznak's intention, however, lied elsewhere. Recently, there has been an increase in Dark Knights turning into Fallen Ones and Arethel, leader of the Dark Knights, suspects that Viorencia Odore's Thornwood Watch are the culprits. Thus, Hiznak agreed to be dispatched to O'draxxia to get to the bottom of this.
Gives knowledge on discovery:
- Hiznak
- Viorencia Odore: Amity 1
Class: Dark Knight
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ennell 8-06-2023 04:08
I made a video on where to find all of the NPCs from the Foreigners of O'Dyllita knowledge category. Hiznak is at 7:55 in my video:

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