ID: 757470
Grunil Defense Gear Box
KR name: 그루닐 방어구 상자
icon Special Items
Weight: 0.10 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
A box with Grunil defense gear crafted to suit the tastes of skilled adventurers.

- Press RMB to obtain one Grunil defense gear according to a set probability.

Probability info on the obtainable item can be found via the Random Chance Items & Probabilities List on the official website.
Buy price: 178,000coin
Sell price: 17,800
Repair price: -

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ID   Title Level CLASS GRADE
ID   Title Level CLASS GRADE
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ID   Title Quantity Chance
ID   Title Quantity Chance
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ID   Title Quantity Hasil pertukaran NPC Conditions
ID   Title Quantity Hasil pertukaran NPC Conditions
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ID   Node Zone Temperature Humidity Groundwater
ID   Node Zone Temperature Humidity Groundwater
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