ID: 66697
Gourd Bottle of Purification
KR name: 정화 호리병
icon Consumable
Weight: 0.01 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

- Bound when obtained (Character)
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
A gourd bottle of purification made with the poisonous weeds of Mt. Ahshi dissolved in the Centipede God's stinger. A magical aura emanates from the bottle. The Centipede God's stinger dissolves the poisonous weeds beyond which the dead from Mt. Ahshi cannot venture. You feel the cleansing power that overcomes even the poisonous weed that stops even the dead in their tracks. As it is mixed with the blood from bird of prey, its power can be used to fight the Gumiho. The power of the gourd bottle can restore the sanity of those possessed by the Gumiho.
"The ghost possessed by the fox must be cleansed to weaken the power of that wicked beast." - Words of an old Fox Hunter

※ You can use this item at the Gumiho Boss Blitz.

- Usage: [Gumiho] Boss Blitz

- Effects:
With the power of Gourd Bottle, one can restore the minds of those possessed by the Gumiho.

- Duration: Instant
- Cooldown: 5 sec

- How to Obtain: Obtain Gourd Bottle again from Seungsan of Yeowoo Pass when completing [Gumiho] Gourd Bottles for Fox-sealing or having learned Tale of the Gumiho Knowledge.
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