ID: 42071
Vicious Mind of Concentrated Time
KR name: 응고된 시간의 사념
icon Special Items
Weight: 0.02 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

- Bound when obtained (Character)
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Can be placed in the Family Inventory
- Description:
Use this at the designated location to summon Echo Spirit.
※ If you fail to kill the Echo Spirit, you can team up with other players to complete the quest.
※ You cannot summon another Echo Spirit when a Echo Spirit is already summoned in the field.
※ You cannot form a party while summoning Echo Spirit.
※ If you are in a party, only the party leader can summon Echo Spirit.
※ You cannot delegate the party leader once Echo Spirit is summoned.
※ The Echo Spirit will disappear after 2 min of idleness or in 30 min after being summoned.
※ If a Striker uses this item during his Awakening Quest in a designated location, Echo Spirit will be summoned.

※ If you cannot summon the boss with this scroll, check in the Quests window ({KeyBind:QuestHistory}) and see if the quest [Striker] Descent of Fury is in progress or if you are the party leader.

※ You will not be penalized for being killed by boss monsters.
Usage effect:
Summon Boss (Echo Spirit)

Posisi pada peta: Location
Accepted quest [Striker Awakening] Descent of Fury
Buy price: -
Sell price: -
Repair price: -

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