ID: 11654
Enhancement 0/3
Tears of the Wind Necklace
KR name: 바람의 눈물 목걸이
icon Equipment
Attack (AP): 10~10

Defense (DP): 0

Accuracy: 4

Evasion: 0

Damage Reduction: 0

Weight: 0.25 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Enhancement Type: Flexible
Enhancement chance: 70.0000%
- Description:
A necklace made from materials emitting magical energies that gather in the valley when a strong wind blows through chilly O'dyllita. It is assumed that when a strong wind blows, the morning dew is carried off and, due to the low temperatures, frozen together into what is known as the tears shed by the wind in O'dyllita.

O'dyllita - Part I Main Quest Reward

※ Can be enhanced up to TRI (III).

Enhancement Material: Black Stone
Repair Material: Memory Fragment

- A Memory Fragment repairs 50 durability.

Item Effect
Max HP +25

- Durability
100 / 100

Normal Enhance:
x 1
Durability Decrease at Fail: 0

Perfect Enhance (100% Chance):
Not Avaiable
Durability Decrease: 0

Next level:
- Cron Stone x 0
- Cron Stone x 0

Buy price: -
Sell price: -
Repair price: 10,000

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