ID: 9983
Segredo de Giath
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Categoria: Goblin

- Descrição:
Giath, o velho Chefe dos goblins que foi expulso para a Floresta de Pilhagem por causa do feroz Nariz Vermelho.

Todos os dias ele orava a seus ancestrais para que lhe concedessem força e juventude para proteger seu povo. Então um dia, um homem de túnica preta veio visitá-lo.
Quando o homem partiu, na mão do Chefe havia uma Pedra Negra. E depois de um tempo... o velho Chefe morreu e um novo rei nasceu. Giath pegou o corpo de um general que havia sido abandonado pelo poder da Pedra Negra.

O proprietário desse corpo é Croxus Antonio, o capitão da Guarda de Bartali III do ano 135 ano do calendário Elioniano.
Ao protestar ao rei que queria oferecer uma virgem e um bebê como sacrifício da vida eterna, o Alquimista Imortal disse que o ritual não poderia ser interrompido e o Rei furioso, o executou descartando seu corpo na colina…

Depois de morrer injustamente, sua lealdade o fez perder até seu próprio corpo.
Pode ser adquirido através de [Missão]
Obtido de:
icon - [Balenos] Sopa de Letrinhas
icon - O Destino Perdido
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Eriobea 20-02-2023 21:54
So as of february 2023 there is 2 option to get this at S grade:

-You have a character that did the balenos quest before the 2022 rework of those main quest, and specificaly this quest ; congrats you just have to meet the node manager Grusha with this specific character , get the knowledge, delete it with another character Annolisa Rosie at calpheon rince and repeat , until you get S.

-You dont have a character with the quest done, then it'll be way harder (and well you can't do anything about it!). You need to do the beggining of the Ancient stone chamber questline until you reach the gobelin area and specificaly this quest: (can take ~15min to reach); when completing this quest you'll get the knowledge, so activate all possible bonus grade bonuses you have before completing it(and be sure to have deleted the knowledge aswell)! pray for a S, if you dont got it, delete the character, do a new one , and rince and repeat before S banghead.gif. So as of now its unfairly hard, PA didnt notice this problem when updating those quest, i opened a ticket for that (until i realise that i did got an old character with the "old quest" complete). So maybe you can hope for a "fix" if you read that in the future (which mean PA must update Grusha quest condition,check the Grusha NPC of the first case scenario if you want to be sure).
Tsoth 30-04-2023 11:37
The question is what if i did the questline BEFORE the abandoned hope quest existed? Because I checked all my alts (except my latest which did the questline this year...) and they certainly have a quest where they defeated Giath and all but this quest is not there and as I'm not seeing a quest that offered this knowledge there, it means that not only do you have to have done the questline PRIOR to 2022 but also some time after say 2018-2019? Which leaves likes a two year gap when you could easily get this knowledge to S. Seems like a giant oversight indeed. It was reviewing all my ecology as I'm trying to get S everywhere and getting closer everyday that I noticed this knowledge (that I have at C) and wondered why it wasn't in my excel file where I keep track of the ecology knowledge I don't have at S... I wondered why I had never written it down, now I know, because it didn't exist when I made the excel file.
Tsoth 30-04-2023 11:40
Phew... ok... erm... looks like I had forgot to check my guardian. I never did the quest but I see it in my questline which means I can do it which means I'm saved. The thing is most people make alts all the time, but I'm a main only player who barely cares about alts so yeah I guess my guardian is the only new character I made in that 2020-2022 gap. But yeah, there could be some people who have chars too OLD and too NEW to have the quest.
Victor_Reeves 28-01-2020 10:15
How to increase grade of this knowledge?
SnowyOcean 29-01-2020 07:27
One thing you can do is forfeit the "Abandoned Fate" quest (or the quest you got the knowledge on), delete the knowledge on an alt in Calpheon, then do the quest again. Repeat until you get S rank. Choose yourself if it's worth the time.
Khonen 23-06-2020 19:26
That doesn't work, you need to actually complete the quest in order to get the knowledge, so can't forfeit it. You would need to keep doing the quest on different alt, but you don't need to delete the knowledge, you'll get a higher rank anyway if you roll higher.
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