ID: 45349/1
Solitária Palieva
Nível: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1
Zodíaco: Pedra do Selo
sympathy Nível de Interesse: 32 ~ 33
sympathy Interesse: 26 ~ 29

Assunto de interesse:
Aakman e o Ancião (Arma) II (0/5)
Valência (Grande Deserto) (0/5)
Diário de Aventura sobre a Lenda Fundadora de Valência (0/5)
- Descrição:
Ele costumava ser um Pirata Cox, mas escapou da gangue depois que ficou entediado. Ele chegou ao deserto depois de caminhar muito. Foi quando descobriu o Templo Aakman depois de ser engolido por uma areia movediça gigante.

Ele decidiu ficar no templo e abriu uma loja de bens gerais com o dinheiro que conseguiu sendo pirata.
Ordenar por: Avaliação Encontro
zaynah 17-10-2021 21:43
The marker is useless as he is inside Aakman Temple (the grinding zone).

- You need to find a portal in the desert (1 big pillar, 2 not that tall pillars and 1 small pillar).
- Once inside, go through the broken wall where the NPCs are.
- Follow downstairs, some are broken and you can't jump over so you will inevitably fall, bring potions.
- He is half way to the bottom, do not jump through the centre of the hole or you may not be able to climb back up.
- At 300 Amity a chat option is unlocked, you can wave to him a hundred times to unlock the chat (no new knowledge tho).
- Also, mobs are pretty strong, so don't engage and just run.
azoz9999 5-03-2022 13:12
To make easier navigating to him

When you enter the temple just go to the menu and hit escape then you will be teleported to him
ARIMOSH 7-01-2025 05:09
Aakman Flamen
Aakman Elite Watcher
Aakman Guardian
Aakman Illusion Statue
Aakman Watcher


Aakman Elite Watcher
Aakman Flamen
Aakman Guardian
Aakman Illusion Statue
Aakman Watcher

3 successes ~54 amity

If Waving, do so while buffed
1) Improved Elixer of Amity +30%,
2) Pickled Fish +5% and
3) Calpheon Noble Suit/ Dress & Shai's +15%,
and you will get +4 Amity per 3 energy
Srvlkv 11-01-2025 13:10
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