ID: 8637
icon 지식
획득 확률: 30.00%
범주: 희귀 어종

- 설명 :
전체적인 몸 색깔은 어두운 회색이지만, 나이가 들수록 흰색에 가까워진다. 뭉툭한 사각형의 머리가 몸 3분의 1을 차지할 정도로 큰 것이 특징이다.

향유 고래의 대장에 덩어리 형태로 쌓이는 물질은 안정제로도 쓰이는 값비싼 향료다. 또한, 에페리아와 칼페온 귀부인들이 즐겨찾는 화장품의 원료로도 쓰여 한때 부분별하게 포획당하기도 했다.
에서 얻은:
- 향유고래
에서 얻은:
- 향유 고래
정렬 기준: 평가 데이트
Tsoth 23-09-2024 06:53
If you're a knowledge chaser, I'm here to let you know that for me this was the hardest fish knowlwegde to get. I say was but I don't have it yet. Caught it 7 times, still no knowledge. You have to count about 3-4 hours for every catch in average. PA needs to realise 30% knowledge drop chance on something that takes so long to catch is not ok. I feel you shouldn't have to grind more than 30 hours for a lifeskill related knowledge... I've been unlucky, sure, but not incredibly so either, I mean 70% fail chance is bad enough it could take you more than 10 tries, anyone who's enhanced long enough knows this. I'll update this post when I get it and let you know how many catches it took.

Edit: Took 9 catch in the end. So something like 40 hours of harpooning. May you be more lucky than I was if you're going for this knowledge...

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