- 설명 : 태어난 이후로 백수로 쭉 지내다가 불혹의 나이를 넘겨서야 겨우 직업을 가지기로 마음먹은 천생 한량. 그가 선택한 직업은 요리사로, 최근엔 거미 요리에 푹 빠져 있다. 특히 육질이 쫄깃하기로 소문난 돌거미는 즉석에서 요리해야 제맛이라며 항상 손질 도구인 망치와 쇠못을 지니고 다닌다.
쿠샤 요리사
에서 얻은:
Recomendation is Quest lines
REQ: Finish the Mediah Main Questline Up to at least [Mediah] Apocalyptic Prophecy or Altinova, the City of Chaos (starting NPC Black Spirit to unlock Kusha of Northern Mediah (starting NPC Neruda Shen) (if you're unfortunate enough not to have it... follow the previous quest back on the bdo codex page till you work your way back up to that point.) as it leads to other Quests that contain Amity for Weikid Taha. Follow the Questline until you finish Adam Berney the Pioneer and now you can branch into Weikid Taha Amity Quests.
The Best Side Dish Notable Reward: 30 Amity Weikid Taha (4 alt's completing = 120 Amity) [This is the only quest not locked by the walkthrough above]